F . A . Q . S
Do I have to pay for the first consultation?
No, Paula will visit you at your place or on site to discuss your project and how we recommend approaching it. This is always free and we will provide an obligation free design proposal showing the expected timeline and costs.
How much will it cost?
Every building project is different. The cost will vary depending on what the site is like, how many storeys the home has, how much work is being done and how complex the construction is.
I am happy to discuss every project on site and then provide a detailed proposal outlining the expected cost to provide the designs and council documentation.
What is a Building Consent?
Building Consents are a way to ensure that buildings are structurally sound and will be durable and fit for purpose for their designed lifetime.
All buildings need to comply with the New Zealand Building Act and New Zealand Building Code. When a building consent is required a set of drawings showing how it is to be constructed are put together and provided to your local council to review. It is their role to confirm that if built in accordance with the drawings that a building will comply with the Building Code.
Generally you require someone holding a Design LBP to be able to submit drawings for consent.
As a holder of a Design 2 LBP, Paula and the team can design, document and submit consents for any type of house.
Hutt City council has made a handy video to explain Building Consents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co3mtjho1aY
Want to know more? https://www.building.govt.nz/getting-started
What is a Resource Consent?
When you buy your property it has a designated Zone which has it’s own set of rules that are outlined in the Local District Plan. These rules deal with things such as how much yard setback you require and how tall or large your building can be.
The reason for these rules is to ensure that you are protected from unreasonable development on a neighbouring property and likewise to protect your neighbours.
It is a tool the council can use to ensure that everyone can expect a certain level of amenity that is protected.
A resource consent will contain enough information about any potential effects to allow the council to decide if it is reasonable development.
Hutt City council has made a handy video to explain Resource Consents https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=7Y7Y_rQ1qqY
What is an LBP?
An LBP is a licensed building practitioner which is an industry certification that covers designers and builders, roofers etc to ensure that the people working on your project have the skills and expertise to be able to competently undertake the work. This is run by MBIE, you can find out more at https://www.lbp.govt.nz/
How long will it take?
As every project is different, our design proposal will include an anticipated timeline for the work; if an engineer is required, their time will add to mine. At the design stages it is often the decision making once you have your concept or developed designs that takes the most time, as you may have to take it to the bank or chat with a builder to decide the scope of what you want to proceed with.
It’s always worth starting discussions with a designer at least several months before you want work to start on site, even for the small jobs, that way you don’t risk missing out on the date you want your work to be completed.
Do I need a building Consent?
Most building work requires a building consent. There is some work that can be undertaken without consent, which is listed in Schedule 1 of the Building Act and MBIE have a handy guide listing examples of what work can be undertaken without consent. This does get updated so before doing any work it is worth checking that the current rule applies to the work you want to undertake.
Even if work does not require a consent it is required to fully comply with the building code. I can provide drawings for work that does not require a consent so that your builder can use them to build from. These can also be lodged with some councils for a small fee so they are on the property file even though no consent was required.
Can I submit my own drawings?
An owner can put together drawings and submit them to their local council if they fill out an owner exemption form. It can be tricky to get drawings and specifications to the standard the council requires, so it’s worth going in to your local council and discussing it with them.
Can I do my own building work?
An owner can do their own building work, you need to fill out an owner exemption form and it will be registered on your LIM for your property that you have undertaken the building work. It is worth going in to your local council and discussing it with them.
Does your fee include council and consultants fees?
No, our fee covers our time.
Council fees are determined based on the overall project value for a deposit and then on the number of anticipated inspections once the drawings have been reviewed. The council will invoice you separately for these.
Any independent consultant who may be required will provide their own quote for you to approve and they will invoice you separately for this.
Resources & Links
Want to know about what work you can do without needing a building consent?
The Building Performance Website run by MBIE has the answers
*Note you may require a resource consent for some of these things – check with your council if you’re unsure.
Want to know more about how to go about your project from start to finish?
There is heaps of information at the building performance website.
Want to know more about how your house has been built and the renovation process?
Try BRANZ renovate for a collection of useful information
Want to find out what information your local council has about your house?
If you got a LIM report when you purchased you should have all the information already
If you’re in Hutt City you can look online for free:
http://iportal.huttcity.govt.nz/ select building information and enter your address. If you are an ‘A’ such as 7a it may not return a result, just enter 7 and you should be able to see the folder for your property.
Their general building consent information is here https://www.huttcity.govt.nz/property-and-building/building-consents
You can also look at aerial photos with boundaries and plumbing/flooding etc
If you’re in Wellington City you can request an archive search for a fee:
You can also look at aerial photos with boundaries and plumbing/flooding etc
If you’re in Upper Hutt City:
Contact the council or pop in to discuss options.
Their general building consent information is here https://upperhuttcity.com/homes-property/
You can also look at aerial photos with boundaries and plumbing/flooding etc
How do I view my 3D walkthrough file?
To view the Bimx on a phone or tablet you need to either go to google play or the apple store and download the free app, this lets you navigate in 3D and walk around inside and out, it also has the same sheets as the PDF.
There is also a desktop viewer which only shows the 3D and uses the keyboard to navigate. You can get it here: http://www.graphisoft.com/downloads/bimx/bimx_desktop.html (if you use this one the first thing you need to do is hit ‘escape’ once you’ve read the commands).
Want to know more about Architectural Design New Zealand?
Go to https://www.adnz.org.nz/
Want to know more about the LBP scheme?
Want to know more about sustainable and energy efficient design?
Your council may also have a free eco adviser service – contact them for more information.
Book a Free Consultation.
Please complete the form on the Contact page and a member of our team will be in touch with you promptly.